Book "Atlas of histology, cytology and embryology" - Mushkambarov N. N., Kuznetsov S. L., Goryachkina V. L. отзывы

Book "Atlas of histology, cytology and embryology" - Mushkambarov N. N., Kuznetsov S. L., Goryachkina V. L.

An important feature of the atlas is the consistent and detailed captions under the images, which create a fairly solid primary idea for the student both about these images and about the topic being studied as a whole. At the same time, together with the textbook by S.L. Kuznetsov and N.N. Mushkambarov the atlas forms a unique educational complex. A complex that, relying on almost the same illustrations, offers the student material presented at several levels of complexity and informativeness.

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